Focus on the
flight plan.

You need to see where you are to get where you are going.

Launch will review documents for accuracy, balance the books and bank accounts, and create monthly reports without any hassle for you.

Stop worrying about:
  • Monthly financial statement preparation
  • Bank account reconciliation
  • Review of proper categories for all expenses
  • Making sure your books are current every month
  • Accurate and up-to-date financial records
  • 24/7 online access to your accounting information
  • Review of financial and management reports
  • Peace of mind come tax time

You wouldn’t pilot a rocket ship without a flight plan.

Launch Accounting can help you get a clearer picture to make the business decisions you need to keep your business headed in the right direction.


You need a dedicated accounting team. Our specialized group will be your highly-trained flight crew, helping you to guide your business acceleration with laser-focused accounting advice and strategy. We’ll give you everything you need to see the bigger picture and make the best decisions for your business.


We’ll focus on the day-to-day, and the bigger picture, so you can focus on the parts of your business you are passionate about.

If you’re overwhelmed with accounting, it’s understandable. But there’s no need to be. Your full-service accounting team dreams about numbers, so you don’t have to.

What is in the way of your flight plan?

Take our short quiz to figure out how Launch Accounting can best help you keep your focus and pilot your business.

What keeps you up at night?

One of these options may not suit you. We’d love to hear why, get in touch by chatemail or phone.

I want to worry less.

I’m ready to get started.